Monday, October 1, 2007

Rose-haired Tarantula

As one of the most docile and hardy spiders being kept, the Rose-haired Tarantula has been a standard in the pet shop and science classroom across the planet.

These fascinating spiders are quiet, require very little space, and are easy to care for. They are good natured and handleable, though holding them does cause them stress so is best kept to a minimum. These traits along with being commonly available and inexpensive make them an ideal species for a beginner.

Ornamental Tree Spider

The Ornamental Tree Spider is a beautiful creature and is one of the staples of the tarantula hobby. Its beauty and striking black, white, and silver markings make it one of the most popular species being kept, both by beginning and advanced hobbyists.

Theses spiders are very quick and will bite when cornered. Consequently, the popular Ornamental Tree Spider or Indian Ornamental Tarantula should be considered a species that is a display animal.

Oklahoma Brown Tarantula

The Oklahoma Brown Tarantula is one of the calmest and most handeable tarantulas being kept as a pet. These good natured spiders require very little space, are quiet, and are easy to care for. They are an ideal species for a beginner.

It is a highly underrated pet species. This is probably due to its drab coloration, a subtle mix of browns. However, their hardiness and the large number of offspring they produce per egg sac will no doubt ensure their future in the pet world.

Mombasa Golden Starburst Baboon Spider

A very handsome African tarantula, the Mombasa Golden Starburst Baboon Spider comes from the dry savanna scrublands. For the most part they have an overall golden shade. Variations in this coloring, ranging from tan to a bright gold, are thought to be accorded to each tarantula's geographic location.
Though this is one of the most common African tarantulas available, there are numerous color morphs. Many that are available may not actually be this particular species of Pterinochilus.

The name Starburst Baboon Spider actually encompass several species that were imported during the 1990s from Africa. They all have the typical body form but vary in color from grays and black to pale mustard yellow to bright orange. Taxonomy is no doubt confusing and is in flux these days. The most popular specimens seem to be the bright golden orange specimens.

The Mombasa Golden Starburst Baboon Spider is a terrestrial species that can live just about anywhere. They tend to be a burrowing spider if the conditions support this, lining their burrow with silk. If the substrate is not adequate for a burrow they will construct their webs anywhere they can. This spider is very fast and aggressive. It will bite if provoked.

Ornamental Tree Spider

A striking arboreal spider from India, the Metallic Blue Ornamental Tree Spider or Gooty Sapphire Ornamental Tree Spider, has been creating quite a stir. This wonderful bright blue spider is also quite expensive.

The incredible beauty and rarity of captive-hatched specimens are producing an exhilaration in hobbyists not seen in several years. This beautiful spider is truly the gem of several collections across the United States.

King Baboon Spider

At one time, the King Baboon Spider was the most sought after species for collectors. Their velvety terra cotta-colored hair and incredible display behaviors make them popular among collectors.

They are a very active spider at night, with an amazing burrowing behavior. During the day they stay hidden and sealed in their burrow. Then at night they emerge to search for prey and begin to excavate. They are constantly enlarging their burrow and forming new ones throughout the substrate.

The King Baboon Spider was first collected in Kenya in 1899. Like most baboon spiders, they are very aggressive and can be considered a potentially dangerous species. Despite its incredibly aggressive nature, the King Baboon Spider has become a staple in the hobby and captive-produced spiderlings are occasionally available.

Antilles Pink Toed Tarantula

Because of its beauty this is one of the most popular tarantulas. It is known as the Antilles Pink Toed Tarantula, Antilles Pink-toed Tree Spider, or Martinique Red Tree Spider. Despite its looks however the Antilles Pink Toed is not as docile and easily handled as other species of the Avicularia genus.

This species of Avicularia is also a little more challenging to keep. It requires the unique combination of high humidity and lots of ventilation. This combination can be somewhat difficult to provide in captivity